Welcome to Buckaroo Grills, wood burning with fan system

Ever wonder why the caveman carried a big club ?
Because he cooked his food over the flames of a wood fire and it tasted soooo good, he had to protect it !
and we added a little more air
Our grills have a variable speed fan system
With a Buckaroo Grill you will be putting out the best tasting food in the world (the secret is in the wood)
Tom has owned and operated a Fireplace shop for over 35 years
During that time he has sold all kinds of
barbecue grills and ovens. He started selling pellet grills when Joe Traeger first came out with his version of the grill. WELL they like to call them GRILLS, but they only cook with the door shut - they are ovens.
Tom wanted a wood burning grill that you could grill on any day of the week. Most wood burning grills take a long time to fire up and be ready to cook on, sometimes over an hour wait.
Tom decided to use smaller pieces of wood or chunks of wood and he designed an air system for better control, cleaner burning flames and faster grilling time.
Some of our best customers are the ones that have three or four grills in their backyard before they called us, which lets me know that they were still looking for that one grill to make them happy. And it turns out that its caveman style cooking that they are craving. Grilling over live flames of an open pit wood fire bbq.
People moved away from wood burning grills because they thought methane gas was a faster way to go. But not any more, with Buckaroo Grills variable speed fan system, you can have a healthier better tasting meal in the same amount of time.
Wood, Propane, Pellet, Charcoal, Natural Gas and Electric - WELL what can I say :
Trees are everywhere, We like to use a good Hardwood like - Oak, Hickory, Mesquite, Pecan and Almond. There are many other good woods to cook with too, Fruit trees are also great for open pit grilling.
Just Salt, Pepper and Granulated garlic.
Baste every-thing with a mixture of Olive Oil and Red Wine Vinegar
Let the Aroma of the Wood work its Magic.
You can't go wrong with "PRIME"
you may pay a little more,
but it's worth it.
Install the rotisserie kit with just one pin.
You can raise and lower the heavy duty rotisserie rod with the crank up handle and the rotisserie motor keeps the rod turning at a nice speed.
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